Change Log ========== #1.0.0: * Initial Release #1.0.1: * Fixed error in documentation (xsl-stylesheet processing instructions were incorrect). #1.0.2: * Now importing xml-to-string.xsl and using these routines to transform code in the TEI `` element. This should affect only a small number of users who may be using TEI for technical documentation. Firefox does not support the `@disable-output-escaping` attribute, so the previous way we were handling `` will not work in Firefox. * Added CSS styles for syntax highlighting of XML code in egXML. This was made possible by the new routines for transforming egXML content. * Other cosmetic tweaks to CSS. #1.1.0: * Major rearrangement of folder structure. Development materials are now in src/ and distribution is in dist/ * JavaScript has been completely rewritten to not use jQuery