"The Black Moochie": Censorship of the Student Press at Salem State College

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"The Black Moochie": Censorship of the Student Press at Salem State College

Collection Items

"Campus Editors Now Say What They Think"
Article about "activist" college campus newspapers. The article features information about the controversy about the publication of "The Black Moochie" in "The Log" at Salem State College.

Letter from James Murphy to Frederick Meier
James Murphy, the Chairman of the College Publications Board, informs President Meier that the Board has voted to censure him for prior restraint against the publication of the October 10, 1969 issue of 'The Log'.

Letter from Frederick Meier to James Murphy
President Meier responds to the letter from James Murphy regarding the censure by the College Publications Board.

Letter from Frederick Meier to the College Community
The memo from President Meier states his opinion on the potential publication of Eldridge Cleaver's "The Black Moochie" in "The Log". He warns that "The Log" could have its funding taken away if it proceeds with "the purveyance of obscenity and filth…

Some Intelligent Reasons For Not Demonstrating With The Editors
The anonymous student expresses his anger that "our Log is gone" due to the actions of the editors of the paper.

Report on "The Log Controversy"
The document is an extensive report on the censorship of 'The Log'. It contains a detailed timeline of actions, copies of relevant documents, etc.

The Analog
This document is an attempt by Biology professor James Schooley to start a new campus newspaper in the wake of the controversy about 'The Log' publishing "The Black Moochie". This was the only issue of 'The Analog'.

Memo from Frederick Meier
The memo is a statement from President Frederick Meier of Salem State College regarding the decision of the Antonelli v. Hammond case. Judge Garrity found that the administration of the college has no authority or control of the student press.

The Log
Contains several articles related to the "Black Moochie" censorship case.

The Independent Log
The issue contains several articles on the censorship of the Log.

The Log
Contains articles and letters to the editor regarding the Log censorship case

The Log
Digitized pages from the Log that cover the censorship of the Log and the Black Panther Party.

Court Defends Student Editors
Article regarding the legal case (Antonelli vs. Hammond)

Antonelli vs. Hammond decision
Text of the Antonelli vs Hammond decision

The Plain Brown Wrapper, Volume 1, Number 1
The Plain Brown Wrapper was an alternative newspaper published by SSC students. It was funded privately. There is mention of the Log dispute.

The Plain Brown Wrapper, Special Edition
This special edition concerns the confiscation of the newspaper.

The Plain Brown Wrapper, Special Edition #2
This special edition concerns the attempted confiscation of copies of the Independent Log.

U.S.I. Secretary Notes
The notes concern the censorship of the Log

U.S.I. Secretary's Notes
The notes concern a sit-in in reaction to "the Log situation"

The Log
Page 12 of the May 22, 1970 issue of the Log. There is a reference to the censorship issue on the right side of the page

Volunteers of Amerika
The paper contains an article about the situation at Salem State, including mention of the Log censorship.

The Shallow Few statement
Statement in support of President Meier and copy of an article from the Beverly Times about the Log issue.
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