John P. McGlone School

John P. McGlone was a talented poet, whose work often was displayed in the Salem Normal School's Year Book.

Kappa Delta Phi Beta chapter was founded on January 17, 1914 at Salem Normal School. John P. McGlone was the President of this fraternity in 1918 and 1919. Since the founding of Kappa Delta Phi, it has sought to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and to seek truths in our professions. We have fulfilled that goal with great success. Our Brothers are leaders in their professions and are located throughout the world. Our active brothers have been admitted into a large family with old traditions and our alumnus have been weathered by wars and the hardships of the world to offer all brothers a better view of the world in which we live. Once a Kappa man Always a Kappa man. We wear our badges with honor. We enjoy the privileges and benefits of Kappa Delta Phi for life. We are blessed with the knowledge that there is always a home to come back to and a large family they can depend on. 

Since the beginning of time, men have found it helpful and enjoyable to gather together for many reasons. Lodges and clubs have been found in all walks of life - from the knights of old to the military and political men of today. Fellowship has indeed been one of the basic needs of the individual. Therefore it is only natural for groups of college men to meet together in Greek letter societies. 

Fraternity men have been, and still are the leaders in colleges and universities. The college fraternity supplements book learning by setting up a proving ground in which the members may practice what they learn in the lecture hall and help themselves become well-rounded individuals. 

Kappa Delta Phi is a fraternity interested in higher education, and also encourages social life. As boys grow into men, there is to be found the development of poise, grace, and confidence which are essential to the progress and success of the real professional. 

Kappa Delta Phi Fraternity serves as an effective recreational outlet in contributing to the four years of educational experience.


Baseball became very important in the years that John McGlone served, at first baseball players were exempt from the war in order to keep morale at home up but that was quickly over turned. "By the spring of 1918, the nation had already been engaged for a year in what was known as “The Great War” overseas. Many minor leagues closed down in 1917, but baseball owners pressed on with a full major league schedule. Teams tried to show their support by having players participate in pre-game “drill” sessions, using their bats as props for guns. As American lives became more firmly endangered in battle, however, the public began to wonder why ballplayers were seemingly exempt from the war effort. (

There was nearly always a large discrepancy between the world created on stage and the harsh wartime reality outside but, by maintaining this gap, the theatre fulfilled an essential function for the population on the “home fronts” as well as for the soldiers themselves: to provide a space and a brief moment where the grief and sorrow of wartime could be kept outdoors. Nevertheless, and this is not to be seen as a contradiction, all theatrical productions from 1914 to 1918 in the warring countries bear some traces of the war, be it on the level of content or of form and aesthetics.