Chinese clothing and accessories

China sails

China Sails is another Chinese restaurant open and in 1949 and owned by David Wong until 1985. He wanted to bring his style of Chinese and Polynesian cooking to the people of Salem. He used what are native food that they ate there and put an American spin on them to make them friendlier for customers

China Sails is another Chinese restaurant open and in 1949 and owned by David Wong until 1985. He wanted to bring his style of Chinese and Polynesian cooking to the people of Salem. He used what are native food that they ate there and put an American spin on them to make them friendlier for customers

This place was open in 1912 and is still currently open. They are known for their chop suey. This restaurant has been taking Asian inspired dishes and making them friendly by incorporating what foods Americans like.

Transportation in China

These toys that were made of wood was part of the trade between China and Salem. These woods were different than the toys we had here. These wooden toys did not have the movement that some toys have but they used to play and keep them safe because they were fragile.

Chinese clothing and accessories