
Garden Cooly Carrying Tea

Here, a woman appears to be performing hard labour in India by carrying a heavy load of tea on her back. At first, just by looking at her, we are unsure about what exactly the woman is carrying. Then, we read the caption, which says she is carrying tea. This is most likely to be the same thought process someone had in the late 18th or early 19th century when viewing this postcard. Then they would think, "where can I get this tea?" Products  like herbs and tea were in high demand during this period. With this postcard, more attention was brought to this product. Eventually, these types of products made their way into Salem, across the oceans, thorugh trade. 

Elephant Stacking Timber

Here, it is clear that an elephant in India is being portrayed. This postcard can be applied to marketing because it is showing us a desired product in demand by the rest of the world- timber. When someone during the early 19th century viewed this postcard, they also viewed the product. Timber has many purposes; it can be used for buildings, or even as an insulator. The use of timber was spread using these cards, and eventually introduced to Salem, MA.
