Jamaica Cookery Book 1853- Yams

This is a page from Caroline Sullivan's Jamaica Cookery Book written in 1853 on yams and yam recipes.
Our research with recipes begins with the Jamaica Cookery Book by Caroline Sullivan written in 1853. It was the first cookbook written in Jamaica collecting traditional Jamaican cooking and cataloging the different ground provisions and local dishes utilized by the people who lived there. It included instructions on preparing the different provisions along with suggestions of best practices along with the recipes.
Finding a biography on Caroline Sullivan is harder than one thought. What is known is that she was a mistress of a kitchen and put together these recipes. We speculate that Caroline was a British woman due to her references of English cooking and sending these recipes back to England, but I have yet to find any strong biographical information on who she was and why she was living in Jamaica. We do know that she refers to herself as white creole, for an explanation on this term please visit our glossary.