The Village Tavern

Village Tavern Village Tavern Village Tavern Village Tavern


The menu here is a typical American restaurant menu. The different sections are appetizers, Salads, Sandwiches, Burgers, Plates, Sides, and Desserts, and a menu for drinks. The smallest section is the Salads, and the biggest section is the Appetizers. The appetizer section mostly has fried foods which makes since because it is very sports oriented like most taverns. Most of the plates/entrees are food that is prepared warm with some type of meat such as steak, chicken, beef, etc.

Under each food listing, there is a small description of the meal below. It is very descriptive so you know exactly what you are ordering. The menu also has a special plate in each section for vegetarians. This makes it very easy for vegetarians to see what their choices are but also very limited.

The food is very clearly described and listed. Some of the meals’ names refer to locations. For example, the Sweet Caroline, and the California chicken wrap. This goes to show they are well-rounded by having food that is from other locations of the world. Putting the locations in front of the food grabs the readers/customers attention and makes the food sound more exciting because it is like they are having a piece of a different state. Some of the location words are used to describe the food like sweet Caroline the dish is somewhat sweeter than the rest.

The menu is red and white and it is a bi-folded menu. They do not have a take-out menu but rather only a menu online you may view whenever you'd like.


Village Tavern is located in Salem on Essex Street. It is a typical American restaurant.

What is it like?

It is very sports oriented like most taverns. There are many TV’s in the restaurant, a gaming room, pool tables, and places where you can make bets. The restaurant opened in the 1980's. Many people come here from different places just to get the feel of the care free restaurant. Also people come here to watch sports games.